August 19, 2010


mario1The Mario quilt is finally done after a serious case of slacking!
I’m very pleased with how it turned out and so is my friend :)
I just need to wash it and give him the quilt.

My aunt offered me a spot at her craft table if I wanted to sell some baby quilts. I think I’m going to do that, I just need to make sure not to slack LOL. But it doesn’t really matter for those ones because there’s no deadline.  I was thinking of doing pinwheels, they seem simple enough. I hope.

If anyone wants the pattern for the Mario quilt, leave a comment!

Thanks for reading so far,

August 4, 2010

Another Mario update

Hey there, just another quick update.

I’ve got the front of the binding attached after fussing with it and getting frustrated (I so know what I want for Christmas this year—a walking foot) and I just need to attach it to the back by hand.

I’m thinking of just doing that part tomorrow. It’s raining today and I just feel like staying in bed surfing the net. Might work on it later when the boyfriend comes home.

